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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  July 26, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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the humidity will go up and the temperature will go up about 10 degrees. the heat index will be over 100. the dew points will be going up as we had through the morning. high temperature of 98. some scattered thunderstorms are possible in the heat and humidity. we will check the seven forecast in just a few minutes. >> good morning. we are tracking a problem northbound 95 on the ramp to westbound 100. there is an overturned tractor trailer appeared that ramp is expected to be closed indefinitely. for now, avoid the ramp to northbound 95 to westbound 100. problems on monument street because of a sinkhole. light street is closed between baltimore and lombard.
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here is it live view of traffic on 795 at owings mills. southbound traffic moving very well. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> police continued to search for the suspect who reportedly abducted cal ripken jr.'s mother at gunpoint. >> the bizarre story of what happened is starting to unfold. kim dacey is live with details. >> good morning. police say the suspect is a white man in his late 40's and early 40's. they say he should be considered armed and dangerous. police say a government showed up at the home between 7:00 a.m.
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and 8:00 a.m. tuesday morning and forced her into her own car at gunpoint. the gunmen blindfolded ripken and drove her to unknown locations in the area appeared the car was spotted in baltimore county. that was when she was officially reported missing. somebody noticed her waving a white cloth and came to her aid. no ransom notes have been found. they are not sure about the suspect's motive. >> we're still looking at this investigation. we're looking at every witness. for us to say that we're speculate on a motive would be unfair. >> the ripken family did issue a statement saying, this has been a trying time for our family but we're grateful and relieved that mom is back with us. we want to thank everybody for their tremendous support.
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this is an ongoing investigation so we hope everybody understands we cannot comment further at this time. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. many people kept a close eye on the developments yesterday including buck showalter. he addressed the incident. >> i know the ripken family and i know -- and other handle it accordingly. >> he disclosed a similar story about his own mother and that she was abducted by was not seriously hurt. >> now an update. police are still trying to figure out what caused a late night accident involving a bicyclist and a police vehicle. this happened just after 10:00 p.m. last night.
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officials say the bicyclist was alert at the time. it is not clear who was at fault. police of looking into a startling discovery in carroll park. a human skull was found yesterday afternoon. no other remains were found at that location. >> we could find out if maryland lawmakers will return to annapolis for a special session on expanded gambling. michael busch says the governor is likely to call that session early next month. there was a closed door meeting in annapolis yesterday. >> i believe the governor has made that determination to go forward. i'm assuming he believes that the votes are there to pass legislation.
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i don't question that at all. >> under consideration is allowing a casino in prince george's county and providing some tax relief to existing casinos. the governor hands down an executive order demanding a renovation of the utility infrastructure system. there'll be several key government agencies to try to strengthen the system. rehearsals continue in london for the opening ceremonies of the olympic games. >> here is who will be carrying the american flag. no american fencer had won olympic gold before she did i n100 years. years.
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michael phelps needs just three more medals to become the most decorated olympian of all time. he was pretty blunt about his disappointments over the past two years. he said the olympic competition is no different than any other swim meet. >> when we are away from the pool, we are away from the pool. whether we're watching movies or playing cards or sitting around, we don't do anything. >> wbal tv 11 is your home for the olympic games. joint gerry sandusky and donna hamilton for the olympic zone beginning at 7:30 tomorrow
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night. just like any other swim meet , huh? >> 5:07. 69 degrees on tv hill. what the suspect told prosecutors, coming up. >> gun control in the national spotlight. i will have that story, coming up. >> this is traffic on 695. 5 looks kind of heavy for this hour -- volume looks heavy. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway:
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the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt or add egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt, perfect for breakfast or any time of day. subway. eat fresh. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling]
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>> welcome back. things are pretty quiet this morning. we're starting out ok on this thursday. let's look at the current conditions. temperatures in the upper 60's and low 70's in most locations. 70 in jarrettsville. the dew points or in the low 60's. the humidity will go up. we will start in the 70's and be near 98 this afternoon. the heat index will be between 100 and 105. we will check the seven-day forecast going all the way into the weekend.
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>> the suspect in the movie theater massacre tells federal agents were to find key evidence in the case. he told investigators about a package he sent. police found the package on monday along with hand written details about killing people. a funeral was held yesterday for the first victim. the controversial debate over gun control is making headlines. >> president obama and mitt romney are speaking out about gun violence. hallie jackson is live in washington with details. >> good morning. in a speech in new orleans, the president pushed for common sense steps to limit gun violence, like keeping guns away from criminals.
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mitt romney says more laws will not solve the problems. this is one of the worst shootings in u.s. history. james holmes killed 12 people and hurt dozens more. some democrats in congress are calling for some stricter gun- control laws, leaders say it is not going to happen this election year. the debate does not seem to be going anywhere. >> it sounds like they were holding off on the discussion for awhile. >> it seems a little politically risky. it is not as though this is something coming up for debate in congress. it has the potential to alienate some potential voters. a little bit of a risky move. there has been talked about it giving the shootings in colorado. >> thank you. >> 69 degrees on tv hill.
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drivers no longer think bigger is better when it comes to the size of their cars. >> back-to-school shopping. it is getting more expensive. the pricey items your kids might need. >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. so far so good on the beltway. we have a problem on 95 in howard county. howard county. after allegra, she's back catching fireflies. effective, long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. after children's allegra, kids have it all.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together.
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>> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. not bad, most of the major areas. there is an overturned tractor trailer blocking the ramp to westbound 100. it will not be cleared for a while. we will let you know when that happens. my image street is closed because of a sinkhole -- monument street is closed. light street is closed between baltimore and lombard. 11 minutes on the outer loop northeast side. moving well on 95 to go from the 895 split down to the fort mchenry. here's a quick live look at traffic. southbound traffic from owings mills is moving very well down towards the beltway. this is the north side of the beltway. problem free on the entire beltway. the 83's checking out just fine.
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that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now we check in with dave allen of the mta. >> the number 8 bus is delayed along with many diversions. 10, 61, and 120 buses are diverting at light street and lombard street. there is a diversion at monuments street because of the scene called repair. the number 50 bus is diverting because of construction. you may experience some delays on the mark, light rail's, and metro subway is because of the heat. right now everything is looking good. >> good morning. it was a nice day yesterday. temperatures mated into the upper 80's with no humidity. look off to the west. temperatures were up close to
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100. some of that heat will be sliding closer to us. we're making the transition this morning. 70 at the airport. the dew points in the low 60's. they will start to come up and the humidity will get into the in comfortable range. things are fairly quiet. just a few high, thin clouds. this is the leading edge of the warm air and causing some thunderstorms east of pittsburgh. they are drifting in our direction. we could see some storms out in western maryland and maybe had over towards baltimore. you might want to take an umbrella. watch for lightning out on the bay. gusting of the south dusti
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about 20 miles per hour. a mixture of sun and clouds. high temperature will make it into the upper 90's with the heat index over 100. strong thunderstorms are possible on friday as a cold front goes through. that should not the temperatures back into the 80's over the weekend. i think sunday will be ok. the temperatures are going to cool off. >> it is not just pens and pencils and note books anymore. electronics have become staples for some school supply lists. most are somewhat overwhelmed with the prices. new computers lead the list. sometimes smaller is better when
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it comes to the court that you drive. drivers trading in larger vehicles find comfort in smaller models. it seems manufacturers have stepped up their game delivering smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. when it comes to your car or truck, what matters more to you -- size, cost, or quality? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to summer is a prime time for folks who move from one place to another. just be as cautious with your personal information. we have some tips. >> with kids out of school, summertime is a popular time to make a move. many consumers take care when
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packing up a moving truck. mmers are looking for something else. >> how many times do i need to wrap this picture with bubble wrap? >> to protect personal information, keep some tips in mind. make a checklist of accounts that need to be updated with new information. get rid of papers, shred sensitive documents. documents like birth certificates should stay with you rather that the back of a truck. >> identity theft can occur before, during, or after a move. >> after you are settled in, review your checklist again.
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make sure nothing looks suspicious. >> almost nothing more stressful than moving. >> thank you. toyota is taking the sales crown back from gm. jane king has the bloomberg business report. good morning and welcome back. >> thank you very much. very interesting story. facebook is working with htc on its own smart phone and it could be released as soon as next year. they have assembled a team of former apple programmers to work on it. interesting strategy. we will see if mark zuckerberg has something to say about this. stock futures this morning are a little bit lower.
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we did have a mixed close yesterday. iphone sales next forecast. human genome sciences has been agreed to be taken over. someone is suing the company argument the proposed deal undervalues the company. toyota on track to become the top automaker. they are ahead of the gm. they offered price cuts after the tsunami in japan. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. >> 5:24. >> still to come -- >> dialing in all things london.
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>> it has been seven years since london won their bid to host the olympic games. tudor fits patrick is live in london -- diedre fitzpatrick is live. >> the answer to the question depends on who you talk to. the london organizers say everything is ready to go. the locals are not so sure. it is a first. london is making olympic history. the host city is a walking photo
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op. >> we still cannot believe we are here. >> signs of road closure and security. >> we have been assured that the security we have is an appropriate to make sure we have a safe and secure games. >> the locals -- >> i think security is on people's minds. >> public transportation is the best and sometimes the only way to get around the city. >> it is an awesome stadium. we're looking for to the matches. >> is london ready? they better be, because i am. >> that is the olympic stadium
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where the opening ceremonies will take place tomorrow night. you do have to pass through security to get in here. or you need a ticket to go to the yves van. reporting live at the olympics. >> everybody anticipating the opening ceremonies but people do not know the competition has already started. >> that is right. women's soccer started yesterday. it is taking place 400 miles from here in glasgow. there are so many soccer games that they get them going before the opening ceremonies and the u.s. won. >> have a great time and thank you. >> it looks a nice. 5:28.
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still ahead in the next half- hour, a new version of the health-care debate. our senator mikulski wants to cater to kids. >> details about the abduction of cal ripken jr.'s mother. >> a sinkhole forces the evacuation of dozens of businesses. we will talk to the alternate we will talk to the alternate routes to
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low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. . i am stan stovall. >> i am jennifer franciotti. thanks for joining us for 11 news today.
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another hot day today. >> yesterday was a nice. today, back into the upper 90's and may be near 100 this afternoon. the dew points will start to climb. 70 degrees at the airport. this afternoon, the temperature will be at 98. heat index maybe 103 or 104. also the possibility of some scattered thunderstorms. you should probably take an umbrella just in case. it will not be as nice as yesterday. >> we have a few problems on the roads. we start on northbound 95 on the reputation to westbound 100. the ramp is closed because of an overnight tractor-trailer accident. it has closed indefinitely as they try to clear it.
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eastern avenue and 95, a new accident. we have closures in the city at monument street. light street is closed between baltimore and lombard. drive times, 11 minutes on the outer loop north east side. running smoothly on 95 from the 895 split down to the fort mchenry. here's a quick live look at traffic. southbound traffic and no real delays to report. prime is starting to build. no problems at the area bridges. the j.f.x. checks out just fine. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a bizarre story still unfolding about the reported abduction of the mother of a cal ripken jr.. >> she is now safely back at
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home with her family. kim dacey joins us live with more details. good morning. >> police say the suspect is a white man in his late 30's or early 40's with glasses and wearing a light shirt. they say he should be considered armed and dangerous. cal ripken jr.'s mother has safety been reunited with her family. police say a gunman showed up between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. tuesday morning and forced her into her own car at gunpoint. >> she goes to mcdonald's every morning and that is when he accosted her in the garage. >> officials say the gunman blindfolded cricket and drove her to unknown locations in the area.
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her car was spotted in baltimore county. that is when she was officially reported missing. someone caught his attention. >> i saw a white sweater been waived outside of a window. i asked the lady inside if she needed help. she said she was left there and your feet were bound. >> she was located on harmed in her vehicle in close proximity to her residence. >> no ransom note has been found. they still do not know the suspect motive. >> we're still looking at this investigation. we're looking at every witness, every clue. for us to say that we'll speculate on a motive would be unfair. >> the ripken family has issued this statement --
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reporting live in towson, kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. the coast guard is looking for someone they said made six of false distress calls in maryland. each call originated from the middle river area. there were all made by a male. the call led to four searches. officials say false distress calls are a felony. barbara mikulski will hold a hearing today focusing on child health care needs. it will discuss ways the child care development block grant can
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help meet the needs of families. she chairs the senate children and family subcommittee. >> it could take several weeks to fix a date sinkhole in east baltimore. this happened on east monument yesterday afternoon. the whole is 10 feet in diameter and was caused by the opening of a storm drain. >> best guess situation is that with all the bad storms we have had you have a lot of activity in the call for a check right there and that knocked a couple of bricks loose. >> at least 40 businesses have been evacuated until b.g.e. crews finished repairing the gas line. four blocks around the whole
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have been closed to traffic. >> 69 degrees on tv hill. find some good news for the three blind mice. a new chemical can restore vision. >> do not be afraid of the dark or it could hurt your brain. >> we have several problems including an accident involving a pedestrian. we will check on the m
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>> welcome back. 5:40. a nice start on this thursday morning.
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there could be some thunderstorms later today. low 70's in most neighborhoods. 70 at the airport. 70 in jarrettsville. we will start out nice but the humidity will go up as we go through the day. high temperature of 98. the heat index will be over 100. we will check the seven-day forecast going all the way into the weekend. >> some incredible research. patients who were once blind may soon be able to see again. >> the research hold promise for people who have lost their ability to see because of other forms of blindness. it may be better than other experimental treatments that
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permanent alter the retina. >> it seems slim been with night lights on -- seems sleeping with night lights on it could lead to depression. behavior was compared to hamsters who spent their night in total darkness. those with night lights showed more signs of depression. the dim lights or the equivalent of sleeping with a television on. >> 5:42. the orioles need a lot of n the rays.dowo >> baltimore gets ready suit celebrate summer restaurant week. -- baltimore gets ready to
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celebrate summer restaurant week. >>
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we have an accident on northbound 95 ramp to westbound 100. that ramp is closed indefinitely, according to howard county police. we'll take a look at that camera in a moment. another accident on northbound 95. another accident at eastern avenue and 95. my image street is closed because of a sinkhole. street is closed
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because of a sinkhole. light street is closed between baltimore and lombard. here's a quick live look at traffic. southbound traffic is building approaching the toll plaza. you can see the flashing lights. that is the ramp to westbound 100. that is in pretty good shape as far as traffic goes. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. let's get the latest on the buses and trains from dave allen of the mta. >> diversions on the three, 10, at 120 buses at light street and lombard for the water main break. the number 35 diverts for another water main break repair. the number 50 bus is diverting for construction. the number 8 bus is delayed. looking good on natural. now back to tony pann. -- looking good on metro.
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>> good morning. ava marie is keeping up with finding the best food spots in baltimore. >> good morning. i have found my way to food once again. the producers are giving want some great assignments. baltimore restaurant week begins on friday. this is the seventh year in the running. i'm here with bradley, the chef here and you guys are doing something special. you are participating in a lunch menu and a dinner menu. >> this is our salad with english cucumber and some local tomatoes. >> we start with the butter lettuce. >> we have a dressing that has
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vinegarapple secider and dijon. that would place some local tomatoes. >> i love the different colors. >> we have in was cucumbers and that we take the seat out eds o. >> what is wrong with the seeds? >> they get beitter. then we have the radish. >> that might be more than a inch. i love all the colors. this is part of the lunch menu. the dinner menu is $20.12 or $30.12.
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you can get out and enjoy different restaurants. what kind of flat bread did you make? >> this has corn pure and cheese. >> this is one of 95 restaurants participating in restaurant week. more information on our website, we'll go back to tony in the weather center. look at that salad. >> people don't think about baltimore as a food destination but we have some great restaurant. thank you. we'll talk to again during the next half-hour in the kitchen. it will feel like you're in the kitchen this afternoon. these are the high temperatures from yesterday we made it up to 87 and the dew points were in
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the 50's. look off to the west. 99 in chicago. 108 in st. louis. we're making that transition this morning. 70 at the airport. dew points in the low to mid 60's. by this afternoon, the temperature will be about 98. the heat index will be about 100. we can see some thunderstorms developing. this is the leading edge of the warmer weather. later this morning, we could see a few storms pop up. take an umbrella with you just in case. watch for a lightning later on if you take the boat out. a mixture of sun and clouds. it will be hot and humid this afternoon. there will be a chance for a couple of thunderstorms.
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the index will be between 100 and 105. a better chance for thunderstorms tomorrow. 80's over the weekend. there could be some lingering showers on saturday. much cooler with highs in the mid 80's. >> the ravens hold their first full team training practice today. we will check in with ray lewis. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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u ve
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>> good morning. 1 pitch into all the game last night, the oil's trailed 1-0 as desmond jennings hit a home run. 10-1, the rays pound the orioles last night at camden
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yards. that is a bad hop which scores two runs and keeps the inning alive. three batters later, it to run single from elliott johnson. it was 5-0 rays after one. more than enough for david price. jose lobaton, on to the flag court. later today, the ravens will hold their first full squad workout. that is set for 2:30. ed reed arrives for his season.
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he looks more like 225-230. ray says the nfl game has become quicker and faster. he learned you need to change with thait. >> i had some great advice over the years. the later you get, the letter you play. you just feel better because you have the wisdom to go off and do what you want to do. playing later is much smarter for mae. >> ray rice says he wants to be a raven for life. back. glad they are yay! parents will be searching for back-to-school bargains. >> the world's best athletes are
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in london for the summer olympics. we will explain this odd sight. >> michael phelps is sitting at one event out before he gets into the pool. >> the heat is back on. we will check the seven-day forecast. >> we have a handful of problems on northbound 95.
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>> the search is on for the man who abducted cal ripken's mother. >> state leaders


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